No Whammy!......WHAMMAY!

Basically Jordan started it, then shirked his duties as Grand Blogmaster. So he left, and leaves Liz and Abby with Grand Blogmistress status, but Abby didn't know how to use her power. Liz recruited Chad and Joc, but they too soon forgot about the blog. So now here I am, Liz, with basically her own blog to herself. They tend to pop up occasionally though. Maybe. Just when you least expect it.


The OC is showing reruns tonight and its the episode where Summer and Seth have sex. Every time Summer takes off her shirt a song starts that goes "Hello sun shine...."

Oh man, It is funny.


To Do This Weekend

  • French Braid my Konstantine Shirt
  • Make Bierrocks (AKA German hot pockets)
  • Start AND Finish Research Paper
  • Study for the History Final
  • Do the History Study Guide
  • Study for The English Final
  • Study for the Biology Final
  • Do my Bio Final Study Guide
  • Finish the Evolution Bio Packet
  • Study for the Math Final
  • Do the Math Final Packet
  • Make Abby Back's "Learn to Love Liz's Music: Summer Songs" CD and coordinating packet of what to listen for in each song.
  • Make Brandon's "Learn to Love Lyrics" CD and coordinating packet of lyrics and why they are good.
  • Get Candy for Mrs. Shaffer

    Yea guys, I finished all this stuff except for english. I didnt have to study for my english final at all. I still aced it.

  • Chad thought when I was painting a bottle cap with nail polish I was eating yoghurt. Must remember NOT to let him have coke anymore.


    Better than "Save a Tree, Eat a Beaver."


    Mr. Himes [9:47 PM]: So Liz, how is the East scene?
    Youfrog2000 [9:48 PM]: bad
    Youfrog2000 [9:48 PM]: All my east jr friends are smarter, more mature, and nicer than the kids at east
    Mr. Himes [9:48 PM]: Oh no. Is there a solution in site?
    Youfrog2000 [9:48 PM]: just a temporary one
    Youfrog2000 [9:48 PM]: its called summer

    Blake lost his dirtbag in the bush.



    We no longer have a Grand Blogmaster. We have two Grand Blogmistresses. TG, you and I have power. Didn't you notice those extra tabs next to the "posting" tab that we didn't have before?!? How do you think all the changes, like the addition of a description and more links were made? It was me! Grand Blogmistress! TG you have the power. And you always have. (If this were in some movie I think this would be enlightening.)


    My mom got a new anti-persperiant that's white but goes on clear. How does that work anyway!?

    I think they should make eye shadow that's one color but goes on another.

    "You think its green, but it goes on PURPLE!"

    I think that would confuse a lot of people.


    My mom and I are watching Law and Order. During this episode they went to a prison on Lake George NY where my mom had a cabin when she was growing up.

    She just said, with sincere affection in her voice. "Lake George! I didn't know they had a prison at Lake George! Aww..."

    Skyefox888: huh?
    Skyefox888: cackles?
    PilsburyQT: cat calls
    PilsburyQT: like woo hoo ow ow oh baby

    Jon Hawkins got Prom King.

    That is one of the the most awesome things ever.


    Chad you silly billy! The word is affiliates, not partners, and the link should be under our list of links, not in an entry! I'll do that now. Nice try though. :)


    Today while in the gifted room, Hawkins had a four pack of Horny Goat Weed.

    When asked when he was going to take it, he responded with complete sincerity, "20 to 30 minutes before my sexual activity of course!"

    I also learned from Blascovich that calculus is fun with the equation,
    "S(e)x=F(u)(n)" Or something along the lines of that.


    Blake got a blog. Be sure to look at the name.

    Blake left a sign on the keyboard that says

    "I am on
    the computer
    takin a dump"


    "And with you at Catholic school there won't be any hokey pokey at lunch....and thats what its all about, man."

    On a heavier note, my independent project is due tommorow. Pray for me...or even better bribe some people to clap.


    A few days ago Mike from German had to write what was wrong with Carlos (why they use Spanish names in my German book I will never know) on the board in German. What he wrote had nothing to do with the question, but it was still funny.

    He wrote:
    Carlos möchte mit Thomas spielen.

    Chad's Quote of the Day

    (In reference to a daughter acting like her mother)

    "Well the apple doesn't fall far from the bush..."


    Marc didn't know what a gnome was....'s even funnier considering he's short enough to be a gnome.


    "I'm sorry the PETA guy couldn't get here to speak to you guys. He probably ran over a squirrel on the way here and was too upset to continue his journey."- Mr. Bennett and My mom, at different times, concerning the guy who was supposed to speak at the Vegan dinner at Penn Gardens

    "Next, we went to the town in Peru right by Lake Titicaca..."
    -From some show on the Science Channel Big B's watching


    You can take a man out of his niche,
    But can you take the niche out of the man?


    "The irish are the greatest workers alive! They make beer, Lucky Charms, and potatoe chips!"-Blake

    How I feel about "A Tale of Two Cities:"


    Auto response from Dademurphystyle: schleepin.....and EXCUSE ME...if this message is on for more than a day!


    At the library at school today I found a book called "100 Classical Baby Names," and thought, "Wow, what an essential book to have at East!"


    Fortune cookie:
    If winter comes,
    can spring be far behind?


    I went out last night to play laser tag with the East Boys. I was the only girl there. I didn't do all that bad, and actually was the one to get the closest to beating Derek at this one racing game. Yea, that was an accomplishment in itself. Otherwise, I did get injured.

    I was walking very swiftly up a ramp, when all of a sudden I realized I was surrounded at both sides of the intersection. I quickly figured out the strategy of my enemy and rolled through the intersection, taking out every single one of my enemy as I went! Continuing to make my way through the ramps, I followed one down to the ground enemy territory. I sidled around corner and with a barrage of bullets took out the enemy before they knew what hit them (haha, scum). I preceded to attack the base, but the alarm had been set, "INTRUDER!" I took one last hit and made my way out of there! As I returned to my base, they opened fire. Taking one last leap of faith for my life, I dived around the corner and slid into my base and hurt my knee. However, my last ditch effort won us the game!

    Yes, It was heroic.

    Ok ok, maybe I just tripped over Mini Marrs when he was tying his shoes in between games. Hey, shut up.


    Ah, rules. Jocelyn, let me share a tiddle of an anecdote with you. Back in the day, like, February, your dear brother Jordan made a list of rules.

    1. No posting multiple links in a single post, especially without a description.
    2. No posting more than 2 times consecutively.
    3. No posting more than 2 of the same style post, i.e. "Blues Clues."
    4. No posting song lyrics, unless it is an excerpt of the song, or it is for informational purposes.
    5. No posting anything that will hurt another's feelings; we don't want to have another "squirrelnootz."


    Yes...Those were the days. Eventually, I was the only one posting and so Jordan amended the "no posting more than two times consecutively" rule. Soon thereafter, Jordan resigned as Grand Blogmaster. Rules for today?


    1. No posting a bajillion links in a single post, especially without a description. A few are fine. It's cool.
    2. No posting more than a whole bunch of times consecutively. As long as you have something to say it's cool. Just don't spam the blog.
    3. No posting more than 5 of the same style post, like knock-knock jokes. No one likes knock-knock jokes. If you like knock-knock jokes, you are a loser.
    4. No posting song lyrics, unless it is an excerpt of the song, or it is for informational purposes. I don't want whole freaking songs taking up blog space. It's cliche.

    The Golden Rule of Posting
    NO posting ANYTHING that will hurt another's feelings; we don't want to have another "squirrelnootz."

    We at NoWhammy are rational people. We'll be fine.


    Uhgh...I think I'm allergic to rain....

    The Real Reason Jordan Resigned

    Auto response from Dademurphystyle: schleepin!
    Rassberri Tea: Jor, you've been sleeping for TWO DAYS!


    Issue 8!!!!

    Dude....with Jordan gone we can talk about Punk Rock...

    My brother used to say his "tr's" as "f's".

    And boy, did he love trucks.

    Revelation of the Skater Boys While Walking Home from School:
    "Dude, coke has a double meaning."

    Jordan...we will miss you!!! : (
    Yay Jocelyn! : )


    I hereby announce my resignation.