No Whammy!......WHAMMAY!

Basically Jordan started it, then shirked his duties as Grand Blogmaster. So he left, and leaves Liz and Abby with Grand Blogmistress status, but Abby didn't know how to use her power. Liz recruited Chad and Joc, but they too soon forgot about the blog. So now here I am, Liz, with basically her own blog to herself. They tend to pop up occasionally though. Maybe. Just when you least expect it.


I went to Taco Mac's tonight for trivia night. I was with Blake, Rex, His friend Cowell, Matt, and Josh. Blake and I have known Josh since we were 8 (well, Blake was 6) and he would play guitar with my dad. Once, he started singing this song about how Blake was a super-stud.

Josh got a tad buzzed and throws his arm around Blake (who is sitting in the middle of Josh and I) and all of a sudden remembers this song he made up and starts saying "Super-Stud" over and over. He eventually reaches over and starts patting my shoulder and says:

"Liz, you're not a stud, but your something...I guess I really can't say what because that'd be illegal."

We got first place by the was awesome.


The Story of the Element

Once upon a time Volkswagen decided to buy perfectly round boxes for their Bugs. However, when the boxes arrived they were square. Frustrated, they threw them out. The silly people from Honda found the boxes when they were going through Volkswagens trash and said, "Free boxes! Let's make a car to fit in them perfectly, no matter how ugly!"

And the Honda Element was born.


"I'm a curbside prophet with my hand in my pocket and I'm waiting for my rocket to come." - Jason Mraz

Please tell me you see the humor in this.


Have you ever noticed that signs like this

tend to be on huge, conductive, metal chain fences?


Catnip makes cats roll around in ecstasy and try and catch imaginary mice.

In other words, its the cat version of LSD.

My mom took my seat today and said, "Ooooh, I schwinged your seat."

She meant swooped.


Marsbar988 [9:49 PM]: guess what
Youfrog2000 [9:49 PM]: you have illegal fireworks your willing to share?
Marsbar988 [9:49 PM]: uhhhhhhh
Marsbar988 [9:49 PM]: no

My Great Aunt Erma just moved into a new assisted living home. She chooses what she wants for lunch and dinner the day before hand, but always forgets what she chose the next day. As she put it, "Every day it's a surprise!"


Last night Cheryl didn't know the difference between "looting" and "loitering."


How much wood
Could a wood chuck chuck
If a wood chuck was on drugs?

"I saw you last night at the spelling bee,
I knew right then that it was L-U-V,
I gotta spell out, what you mean to me,
'Cause I can no longer be...a silent G."

"Area 51 has been voted the most well known secret military base in America."


Have y'all ever notived Dr. Platuapus on Mister Roger's Neighborhood is scottish. He is so playing the bag pipes right now.

Swivet Meets Penelope!


Today I went to my G-man's house to trim some peonies. When I came back up stairs my dad was listening to N*Sync. Really Loud. And he was singing along.



At the funeral they had "live video" of the South Pole with the flag at half mast. I really don't know why it had to be live because there was nothing except the flag at the South Pole anyway.

Ok, I'm really starting to feel smart, because there singing this song we sang in chorus this year at the Funeral. But we sang it in English and they're singing it in Not English.

I was watching the funeral and realized we must have almost hit the present in History class this year. Sandra Day O Connor was speaking and I thought, "Hey, she was on my final!"

I was watching the Reagan funeral. I think its very interesting that the piccolo player had a stand for her music, like you would use in marching band, because I remember that in The Music Man they said they didn't have piccolo stands for marching band people.


Why chad? why do we NEED profile links? Jocelyn doesn't even have a profile. Alas....I might get around to it later.

Theres this TV show called, "no whammy" where you try and get money. We were watching it in Jor's room when he came up with the name. I have no idea what the rules are or how it works, but a "whammy" is this little mousy, creepy, rodent like animal. I'll try and find one.

Ok, the show's not called, "No Whammy" it's called "Press your Luck."

This is what a whammy looks like. Mangy buggers.


Skyefox888 [2:28 PM]: im going to take a shower now
Youfrog2000 [2:28 PM]: mmk byebyes
Youfrog2000 [2:28 PM]: have fun!
Skyefox888 [2:28 PM]: what does that imply liz?
Youfrog2000 [2:29 PM]: many things chad
Skyefox888 is away at 2:29 PM


Auto response from Mommorris [9:26 AM]: Summer VACATION....YAY!!!
No more work, sleeping in as long as I want, no obligations.....oh...wait...that's not me....crap!!!

Kerry is "taking a break" for the week in "memorial of Reagan."
Ya know what that says to me?



I think I learned too much in Bio this year.

I'm eating grapes and the first thought to my mind was "I'm eating enlarged ovaries."


Creed broke up.


"Mom, what do you think about tongue studs?"
"I think they're ugly, horrible, and un-hygienic."
"Great, can I have a tattoo?"


JOCELYN! That consecutive time rule was an OLD rule. A JORDAN rule. You can so post today. Geez. Where were you when I posted the new rules for you?????

Heres a reminder:


1. No posting a bajillion links in a single post, especially without a description. A few are fine. It's cool.
2. No posting more than a whole bunch of times consecutively. As long as you have something to say it's cool. Just don't spam the blog.
3. No posting more than 5 of the same style post, like knock-knock jokes. No one likes knock-knock jokes. If you like knock-knock jokes, you are a loser.
4. No posting song lyrics, unless it is an excerpt of the song, or it is for informational purposes. I don't want whole freaking songs taking up blog space. It's cliche.

The Golden Rule of Posting
NO posting ANYTHING that will hurt another's feelings; we don't want to have another "squirrelnootz."


Today while watching Mr. Rogers after school, Neighbor Abor was singing to the Miss Cow's class about feelings when Chad walked in and was like, "Yo, is that what Mr. Rogers looked like 20 years ago?"
"No!" I replied. "That's Neighbor Abor."

How can you confuse Neighbor Abor and Mr. Rogers? What a weirdo...