No Whammy!......WHAMMAY!

Basically Jordan started it, then shirked his duties as Grand Blogmaster. So he left, and leaves Liz and Abby with Grand Blogmistress status, but Abby didn't know how to use her power. Liz recruited Chad and Joc, but they too soon forgot about the blog. So now here I am, Liz, with basically her own blog to herself. They tend to pop up occasionally though. Maybe. Just when you least expect it.


Chad FOX works at FOX's Markets.

Oh yES!

The new Missy Elliot video is the most biazzare and wonderful thing I have seen in awhile.

I don't have a life,
But I have a myspace.


"Oh my god, Liz, you almost ran into the forest!"- My mother commenting on how I was too close to the right side of the road.


Bright Line Spectra

I'm in a band! Ha!