No Whammy!......WHAMMAY!

Basically Jordan started it, then shirked his duties as Grand Blogmaster. So he left, and leaves Liz and Abby with Grand Blogmistress status, but Abby didn't know how to use her power. Liz recruited Chad and Joc, but they too soon forgot about the blog. So now here I am, Liz, with basically her own blog to herself. They tend to pop up occasionally though. Maybe. Just when you least expect it.


Hashpipe by Wheezer man.........that song lit up my life.


Youfrog2000: could you explain your screen name
Youfrog2000: i dont get it
XamccehisppkidX: the x's used to mean straight edge
XamccehisppkidX: a-at the drive-in, m-mewithoutyou, cc-cheshire cat, ehis-emo hardcore indie snob (haha kind of inside joke), pp-punk poet, kid
Youfrog2000: oh my god
Youfrog2000: you fit the entire freaking description of your entire freaking life in one line
Youfrog2000: that takes skill
XamccehisppkidX: lol
XamccehisppkidX: it took me quite awhile to come up with it


I am in love with IKEA.


orange earmuffs: how are you?
Youfrog2000: good
Youfrog2000: i had mac and cheese in my chirstmas bowel for lunch
Youfrog2000: im angry though
Youfrog2000: we are out of apples


Skyefox888: liz
Youfrog2000: chad
Skyefox888: i think we are good enough to have livejournals now
Youfrog2000: im so attached to my diaryland
Skyefox888: yea
Skyefox888: well
Skyefox888: i am making the transition
Skyefox888: i also dont like that diaryland is purple and zack makes fun of it whenever i use it


"Ok Liz, for the mock congress, I'll be the congress man and you'll be my sexy intern."
"What? My speaking skills are much better than yours, Don. I'll be the congress woman and you'll be my intern."
"It doesn't matter. Either way we're having an affair."

"Come on Hops, who gives homework on a Tuesday night?"


I cannot find my "Virginia is for Lovers" shirt.


"Ron Jeremy says: 'Too much sex is bad thing' for animals."

"Hi Mrs. Walke. Ben's just putting on his pants, he'll be out in a minute."


Chad's Nose is to big as Liz's hair is to short.

Henceforth, Shut up.

Blake changed his ringtone so now its Jurdan Payne saying "Skeet skeet skeet skeet" Over and over again.