"What? This doesn't make any sense! I like this now. 'even if this cul de sac would pay .' I live in a cul de sac! I feel connected to this song now."
Youfrog2000: man...im watching the berenstein bears
Youfrog2000: theyre screwed
Youfrog2000: theres a lightening storm
Youfrog2000: and they live in a tree!
Youfrog2000: hahahha
Youfrog2000: the girl has a bearbie doll
singmeanything11: lol
"I said Goddamn in front of a pastor last night."
"Whoa...what he do?"
"He was pretty cool with it. He was a scene pastor."
"A scene...pastor?"
"Yea, he had like, gauged ears and stuff."
Today I realized hospital signs and library signs are the same kind, square and blue. I can imagine someone being desperate and searching for the blue sign on the highway that leads to the hospital, but has anyone ever died en-route to a library?
I had the silly idea to buy an incredible green bathing suit and black flip flops while they still had them to buy. Then I had another great idea to hang them on on my closet door knobs so I wouldn't lose them.
They taunt me so.