No Whammy!......WHAMMAY!

Basically Jordan started it, then shirked his duties as Grand Blogmaster. So he left, and leaves Liz and Abby with Grand Blogmistress status, but Abby didn't know how to use her power. Liz recruited Chad and Joc, but they too soon forgot about the blog. So now here I am, Liz, with basically her own blog to herself. They tend to pop up occasionally though. Maybe. Just when you least expect it.


"Cory, I thought you said you didn't like the pumpkin seeds."
"I don't but they're addictive."

Cory is anal about the cash box. All the money is facing in the same direction and if you mess it up he gets in a huge huff of exhasperation and fixes it.

[Edit] Said pumpkin seeds have made me slightly depressed. I just finished them off and I won't get anymore until next year. That is, unless they sell them or I can convince my mom to buy me another pumpkin.


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